
Wiesbadener Straße 11, D-90427 Nürnberg
Tel.: +49 | 911 | 477 918 | 0
Fax: +49 | 911 | 477 918 | 88

Management Board:
Hubert Medl

Chairman of the supervisory board:
Winfried Bergmann

Registered Office: Nürnberg
Register Court: Nürnberg HRB 40974
VAT-No.: DE815014598


Wiesbadener Straße 11
D-90427 Nürnberg

Conditions for Purchase Orders to EMPURON

For purchase orders to EMPURON the Green Delivery Condtions of the ZVEI (Zentralverband der Elektroindustrie of Gremany) are generally valid in the current version. On demand these documents can be provided by EMPURON or the ZVEI.

Trademark, Registered Trademark ... 

Windows, Word, Excel are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation. SINAUT Spectrum and Spectrum Power are registered trademarks of the Siemens AG. All other products are trademarks of the respective  companies. EMPURON is a registered trademark of the EMPURON AG.


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