Optimise the use of energy facilities in the Smart Grid
Our functions and modules help operators of networks and components in the energy network of the future to operate their systems in an optimal and coordinated manner. EMPURON also provides consulting services that help you find the right solution for new tasks.
With the EMPURON Process Data Warehouse we are providing a comprehensive Big Data platform in energy management and for utilities. Perfectly adapted EMPURON enables with it the data management of large time series.
• Example PREM (Control Reserve Monitoring): Check whether primary and secondary control reserve power is proivided correctly.
• Project Verteilnetze2020: Calculation of forecasts, perform analyzes, provide market communications and metrics
The new energy technologies need batteries to coordinate renewable energy provision. Through simulation of the grid EMPURON generates schedules to optimize the use of energy storage systems. Thus, the optimum operation of distribution is improved with storage systems and local supply. By EMPURON functionality Storage Scheduling System the optimum financial yield of the storage in the network is achieved.
Multifunctional Gateway with the functions of a data concentrator and protocol converter. Task: Connect isolated segments of distributed control systems with each other, data processing in real time with the help of PLC algorithms (according to IEC 61131-3), support of intelligent I / O modules.
• Create requirements definitions
• Determining the optimum approach
• Comparison with available solution modules on the market
• Support make or buy decision
• Support requirements definition and specification
• Monitoring of implementation
• Test and acceptance support